How Much Will Hair Transplantation Cost Me?
Hair replacement is big business across the globe. In America alone, millions of men and women suffer from some type of baldness. Many of them turn to different methods of replacement, from weaves and toupees to creams, sprays, and supplements. One of the most effective hair replacement methods is by far hair restoration surgery. But it’s also one of the most expensive. The cost can vary greatly based on things like region and individual circumstances. Here are a few other things that can affect the cost of your hair transplant.
How Hair Restoration Works
One reason hair restoration costs more than other methods of supplementing hair is that it’s an actual surgery. To do the procedure, one must first select a licensed, experienced doctor. The specialist will go over which areas of your head are most appropriate for hair harvesting and then transplant hair to balding areas using one of two techniques:
- Follicular unit transplantation – in which hair is transplanted via strips of scalp
- Follicular unit extraction – in which the transplant involves individual hair follicles
Up to 80 percent of transplanted hair is expected to be growing within four months, so it’s easy to see why this is such a popular hair restoration option. But is it affordable for you? That can depend.
The best way to add or increase hair to an area can be with a hair transplant.
Where Do You Live
Hair transplant costs can vary greatly based on geographic location. For instance, the procedure could be a couple of thousand dollars in an urban center but skyrocket to tens of thousands of dollars in a small, rural town. Or vice versa. The difference can come down to the availability of surgeons specializing in the procedure, the quality of the facility, and other things.
Who’s Your Surgeon?
Another factor impacting cost can be the skill of your surgeon. It should come as no surprise that the best surgeons often come at the highest prices. That means that a surgeon with a well-known name or lots of great results may tack a few extra thousand dollars onto your procedure.
How Much Hair?
Some hair transplants will involve just a few patches, while others can involve virtually the entire head. How much you have replaced can bump up the cost significantly.
In general, expect a hair restoration procedure to run you between $4,000 to $15,000. Do your research and reach out to a specialist today to learn how you can keep hair restoration costs manageable.
Resource: Hair Treatment