Taking Your Child To the Chiropractor: What To Expect

While many adults seek out chiropractic care for their back and neck pain, some parents are discovering that their children might also benefit from this type of care. Kids who suffer from accidents, sports injuries and even chronic pain, such as consistent headaches, may improve with pediatric chiropractic treatment. If you plan to take your child in for an adjustment, knowing what to expect may help you both feel more confident about your visit.

Medical History Review  

Before your child’s chiropractor forms a treatment plan, he or she will likely review a medical history with you first. You may be asked several questions during this phase of treatment, such as:

  • Was your child’s birth uneventful? 
  • Does he or she participate in sports? 
  • What are the child’s main complaints regarding pain? 

It is a good idea to bring a complete history of your child’s medical treatment including a vaccination record, surgical history and a list of medications he or she may be taking.

Treatment Plan 

Once the chiropractor has a firm grasp of your child’s medical history, he or she will probably outline a treatment plan with you. This may include descriptions of certain adjustments, why they are being chosen and what the possible outcome may be. You may be encouraged to ask questions at this point, and it can be important to take advantage of this moment to give both yourself and your child peace of mind regarding the upcoming treatment.

The Adjustment Process 

The length of a chiropractic adjustment can vary depending on a variety of factors. If your child was injured and these adjustments are part of his or her rehabilitation, each visit could last up to an hour or more. The chiropractor might warn you about popping or cracking sounds you may hear during the adjustment, most of which are common and painless. You will probably be allowed to stay with your child during the process and observe, but you may want to hold any further questions until the end of the session.

A Future Treatment Path 

Once the first adjustment is complete, your child’s chiropractor will likely discuss future treatments, why they are necessary and how many might be required before you or your child notice any improvement, as relief is usually not immediate. The chiropractor may also recommend other treatment strategies, such as a change in diet or sleep schedule.

Taking your child to a chiropractor can be a stressful experience if you do not know what to expect. Contact your clinic or treatment center, like a chiropractor, for more information and advice about how to successfully navigate your child’s chiropractic care plan.