As an asbestos contractor knows all too well, asbestos turns into a serious hazard one it is airborne. If asbestos material is damaged, then microscopic fibers can be released. For instance, when insulation containing asbestos around furnaces, boilers, and pipes deteriorate, it releases dust. Ceilings made with asbestos may also release tiny fibers when drilled into and patched. If ceilings are in poor condition, then even air movement from fans and opening or closing drapes can cause asbestos dust to spread.
Pipes and Transite
Transite pipes have been utilized underground as a way to transport water into the home, and can pose another hazard. Transite is a cement material that contains asbestos, and can slowly deteriorate as the years go by. Once the transite breaks down, asbestos fibers can get released from the pip interior and into the drinking water. An asbestos contractor can do an inspection of the interior and exterior of your home, to identify problem areas and then suggest the best way to safely remove asbestos fibers.
Taking Samples to Test for Asbestos
As part of the inspection, an asbestos contractor may suggest taking samples of different areas of your home. Samples of suspicious materials can be taken and sent to a certified lab for an official analysis. The two approved methods of analysis for asbestos is Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM). Your asbestos contractor company can answer any questions you have about the sampling process.
It is not recommended that you collect a sample yourself. Microscopic asbestos fibers are 18,000 times thinner than human hair, and measure at .01 microns thick. Considering that fact, it is no wonder that this material is so dangerous when disturbed, as it can easily be inhaled or ingested, and cannot be seen visually in the air. The American Lung Association suggests that you consult with an asbestos contractor for any situation that involves asbestos, so you can minimize exposure for yourself and family members.
Where Asbestos May Be Found
If you are not familiar with asbestos, then you may wonder in what areas of your home it is most likely to be found. Despite regulations being passed in the 1980s that restricts the use of asbestos fibers in the manufacturing of products and materials, a small amount may still be present in certain areas of your home. Asbestos may have also been used when manufacturing the following home appliances:
- Stoves
- Ovens
- Slow cookers
- Toasters
- Coffee pots
- Hair dryers
- Heaters
- Washing machines
- Dishwashers
- Refrigerators
- Ironing boards
Unless the above appliances have become old and worn or broken, you do not need to worry about them contaminating your home. Asbestos is only toxic once released into the air. The most important step in taking care of an asbestos problem is by not touching the area, and contacting an asbestos contractor for asbestos removal in Los Angeles, CA immediately for assistance, inspection, and safe removal. Consider speaking with a licensed asbestos abatement company near you for more information.
Thanks to Nielsen Environmental for their insight into asbestos removal and where it is commonly found in homes.